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Versatility Catering to the World of Interior Design
As a top sintered stone manufacturer in China,Fit (Foshan) Sintered Stone Technology Co.,Ltd is committed to providing you with a variety of sintered stone furniture, creating a perfect home or office for you. Different colors bring you different moods. White and black sintered stone furniture walks into life, presenting a shocking and wonderful visual effect.Using the best sintered stone material and advanced design service, we will make your imagination come true!
We are in a position to offer consultancy and customised projects for the furniture industry to enhance the value and better to promote furnishing surfaces applied to designer tables, bathroom cabinets, fitted kitchens, wall units, drawer units, doors and staircases. Items of interior design can also be enhanced and coordinated as part of interior design projects where the flooring, wall cladding, worktops, table tops and kitchen countertops are distinguished by Laminam surfaces.
Taula supports manufacturers by offering them training, consultancy and information. Marble workers, glass workers, carpenters and in general all operators who gravitate around the furniture industry supply chain will be supported to define efficient and optimised methods according to the equipment they have at hand.
Design & Create​​​​​​​
At TAULA, we can create a new era of simplicity for you. TAULA never stop developing, researching and developing new design technologies because we focus on creating a dream space for you. ​​​​​​​
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